metaphysics degree



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Tuition Information

Online Registration Office

Licenses & Credentials

Contact Information

International College of Metaphysical Theology, Schools - Academic - Colleges & Universities, Vancouver, WA



Extended Payment Terms
ICMT Tuition Contract

Updated Terms and Conditions for Extended Tuition Financing Plans

Changes initiated immediately – We Prefer Automatic Monthly Online Installment Payments

Those on extended tuition payment plans are strongly encouraged to enter into an automatic monthly credit card billing agreement with the college. It is an easy, efficient and safe way to submit your monthly tuition installment payments.

Those without a major credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover) but have a U.S. Checking Accounts may also use automated monthly bank drafts through PayPal. This requires that the student set up a free account with PayPal –

Students may choose between having the secure PayPal system automatically deduct payment from their PayPal / Credit Card or Checking Account on a monthly basis – OR- choose to have the College Administration Office process your credit card manually each month. If you choose this option, you must complete the standard Credit Card Payment Form:

Payments by Mailed Check

Online payments offer a high-degree of convenience and security for both degree students and the college administration office. The college prefers to accept only online payments from those on tuition installment plans. However, we do understand that some students still prefer to send monthly installments by personal check through the postal service. For the college, accepting payments by mail, adds greatly to the administration time and cost required to process tuition payments on a monthly basis. We have therefore initiated the following guidelines for those who choose to send their installment payments to the college using this method:

Those who wish to continue to pay their monthly installments by mailed personal check will be assessed an additional $5 processing fee to their monthly installment plan amount to cover college costs associated with handling paper checks. Late charges will accrue on payments not received within 14 days after installment due date . The late fee is $10 for each monthly payment not received within the 14-day grace period.

Unless prior arrangements have been made with the college , student account payments not received within 30 days of the installment payment date will be considered delinquent. Payments not received for two consecutive months will cause the student's status to be set to “inactive”. Once a student account has been set to “inactive” status, no further coursework will be accepted, reviewed, graded or applied to the student's permanent record. Within a 12-month period of being set to inactive-status, a reinstatement fee of $150 will be required to reactivate the student's account. After 12-months of being on inactive-status, the student will be required to re-apply to the college.

Student accounts with check payments that are returned as non-payable from the bank will be assessed a $20 returned check fee.

Those paying their tuition in FULL by personal check are exempt from any of the above installment-related fees.

Those paying only their Enrollment Fees (Application Fee and Evaluation Fee) by personal check via postal mail are also exempt from the above installment-related fees, provided that they enter an automatic online payment plan with the college for the remainder of their tuition balance.

All online payments are processed securely by the PayPal Business Merchant Sysytem.

BBB Online Reliability Program



If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office:


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